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Material Event Disclosure - Board Members and Committees


Board of Directors were determined the distribution of roles in their first meeting and elected Cengiz Solakoğlu as the chairman and Mustafa Yaşar Serdengeçti as the executive vice chairman. In addition to this Board of Directors determined the new committee members, their roles and working principles. New committee members are as follows:

Audit Committee: Cengiz Solakoğlu (Head of Committee), Ersin Solakoğlu (Member)

Corporate Governance Committee: Cengiz Solakoğlu (Head of Committee), Tahsin Pamir (Member), Işıl Bük (Member)

Early Risk Detection Committee:  Cengiz Solakoğlu (Head of Committee), Tahsin Pamir (Member)

Please find the decision letter of the board and working principles of committies attached.